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Energetic Healing

Sherrian uses a variety of energy practices to help restore balance to your system. Choosing which ones to use is determined by client needs and include Yoga Therapy, Reiki, Belief Clearing, EFT, Chakra Rebalancing, Angelic guidance, and Qi Gong. What these modalities have in common is working with the energy fields in and around the body, sometimes referred to as the Koshas in Sanskrit.

These Koshic bodies are accessed and treated to help restore and manage health, increase vitality and address and heal karmic issues as well as alleviate physical pain and emotional issues. PureYoga & Wellness is dedicated to helping you raise your vibration and feel healthier, happier, and more stable and balanced physiologically, emotionally, psychologically, physically and spiritually. Both in person and long-distance sessions are offered.

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