First, what is Sanskrit?  An ancient language used to write many sacred Indian texts about spirituality, energy, metaphysics, healing and medicine. The Sanskrit language encompasses the sacred seed sound, Aum and Om, said to encompass all sounds and vibrations.

Learning to read and chant transliterated Sanskrit can help you learn how to read and chant texts written in Sanskrit. One such text, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, sets out to explain the principles of yoga philosophy according to Pantanjali, including the eight fold path of yoga, which includes postures/asana, breathwork/pranayama, concentration/dharana, meditation/dhyana, and absorption/samadhi.

Chanting is said to work on our nervous system. Using the “right” chant is said to help with different issues we are facing. It is like saying an affirmation or prayer and repeating it over and over to internalize its meaning with us. The chanting of sounds create an energetic matrix of that sound vibration.

It is an ancient language used to write many sacred Hindu texts. See below some Roman alphabet characters with diacritical marks. These marks are used to help pronounce the words correctly. TRANSLITERATED SANSKRIT: