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New to Yoga Therapy?

Big changes are happening in the yoga therapy field. Protocols are being established to set industry standards for those individuals calling themselves a yoga therapist. One of the associations leading the way for this change is the International Association of Yoga Therapists. What that means for you is that yoga therapists will be required to […]


Why Study Sanskrit?

First, what is Sanskrit?  An ancient language used to write many sacred Indian texts about spirituality, energy, metaphysics, healing and medicine. The Sanskrit language encompasses the sacred seed sound, Aum and Om, said to encompass all sounds and vibrations. Learning to read and chant transliterated Sanskrit can help you learn how to read and chant […]


Daily Practice

“By sustained practice of all the component parts of yoga, the impurities dwindle away and wisdom’s radiant light shines forth with discriminate knowledge.” In sanskrit, “Yogāṅganuṣṭhānāt –  aśuddhiksṣaye – jñānadīptiḥ – āvivekakhyāteḥ“, Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali, KYM, II:28.


What’s Tapping All About?

Tapping is an energy technique where meridian points are “tapped” into to change and reset your neural pattern to one you want.   One way to use tapping is to practice shifting your emotions from negative ones to neutral ones through continuous practice, eventually to more positive ones. This is probably why the term Emotional […]


New to Energy Work?

Energy work encompasses many teachings and philosophies and more people than ever seem to be interested in it. Information about energy work is referenced and available across many informational outlets and resources. There is so much information about it that it can feel daunting, causing feelings of overwhelm and uncertainty about what’s true since information […]


Why Practice Yoga?

Why practice yoga and where to start when deciding to practice yoga depends on what your interests, needs and intentions are. Although it’s changing, many people in the West associate yoga with exercise and the hatha yoga postures which have become synonymous with the word yoga. These postures, called asanas in Sanskrit, are just one […]

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