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Private yoga therapy and energy work sessions designed specifically for your needs and can include Yoga, Reiki, Qi Gong and other energy based teachings.

Yoga practices are drawn from the Viniyoga, hatha yoga and Qi Gong and are inspired by the Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali, YSP, and can include postures, breath-work, visualization and meditation, mantra and chanting, self-reflection and spiritual study. Yoga is a living tradition helping individuals move toward experiencing liberation in this life-time.

Energy Work can include Reiki treatment, Qi Gong, Yoga, and Energy Tapping to restore energetic balance (including Koshas, meridians, chakras and prana/chi/ki). Energy work may provide insight into your condition and can provide pain relief and deep calm.

Viniyoga & Qi Gong are gentle movement arts that help increase vitality, stamina, circulation, joint integrity, mobility and range of motion, organ health, and promotes a positive sense of well-being.

Reiki is a gentle non-invasive healing method that works with the body’s subtle energy system to help heal, restore, and balance your energy, creating a sense of peace and relaxation.

For sessions, please dress comfortably, bring water and a mat and blanket if you have them. If not, a mat a blanket will be provided.

For more information contact Sherrian at 512.551.3501, email yt_sherrian@att.net, please tag subject line with “yoga session info”.

Specialty offerings: Yoga Birth Assistant, Reiki Attunements, and chanting Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali or other Mantras. Please inquire about terms, rates, and conditions.  Interested in learning about a particular topic or including a partner or hosting a small group of friends (3-4)? Ask for details.

Rates: 60 minute session $120, 75 minute session $150.
24-hour cancellation policy.

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